Snake River Falls is located near Valentine, Nebraska. I visited it during a high flow state in early Spring of 2017....
These were taken on a brief trip down to Port Aransas, Texas with my girlfriend Jess. We were visiting her aunt who has a place a leisurely walk right off the Gulf of Mexico.#place-f4a a {color:#818181; text-decoration:none solid #818181; cursor:text}...
Taken on a brief hike in Hummel Park in Northern Omaha, Nebraska....
This is a series of black and white photographs from the badlands of Nebraska. I tried to capture the feel of the place and this comes pretty close. It's a long drive down a bumpy road, located miles away from just about anything useful. Toadstool Geologic...
Mt. Evans, one of my all time favorite places. It's just a short drive south of Idaho Springs, right off or I-70. At a 14,265-foot the view is nothing but spectacular. MAP...